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BeLoved Asheville

A Better World community

In the midst of the current pandemic, many of us are wondering how we can be of help. BeLoved Asheville is demonstrating what it means to help. Whether it's through the Street Medics Outreach project, Masks For The People, Asheville En Espanol, or the Street Pantry Project, the folks at BeLoved Asheville are using their voices, skills and unique gifts to transform their lives and communities during the Covid-19, racism and poverty pandemics. An inspiring and moving conversation about meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people among us.

Guest: Amy Cantrell, founder of BeLoved Asheville.

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Cover of the book 'God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience' by Jeffrey Long

Show notes:

A Better World radio show with McNair Ezzard

Streaming Sundays @ 9am ET on

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