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Action Against Hunger

A Better World community

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

From the aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, to conflict in Haiti and drought and famine in East Africa, Action Against Hunger is on the ground helping people.

For over 40 years, Action Against Hunger has been a global leader to end hunger, for everyone, for good. 828 million people are hungry. 3 million children die of hunger yearly. In more than 50 countries Action Against Hunger is working to save people from needless suffering. Listen to this inspiring but sobering account of hunger in our world and how they are making a difference.

Guest: Emily Bell Tyree, associate director of communications at Action Against Hunger.

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black and white image of hands cupping white bowl containing a color earth
Image: Mantinov |

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A Better World radio show with McNair Ezzard

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